Don’t just take it from us. Some of the wonderful Women who have joined us for a weekend retreats have shared their experience of their time spent with us.  

You can find out more about all of the upcoming WoW gatherings here..

Meet Sonja K
An experience that sits outside of the traditional Church structures, but one that Sonja believes will enrich the life of any woman who attends. 

Sonja's Story

Meet Rose M
Rose experienced a filling of her cup and a change in how she looks at life after her first Women of the Well Weekend Retreat.

Rose's Story

Meet Bernadette D
A second Women of the Well Weekend Retreat brought even further clarity, deeper understanding and more thirst quenching for Bernadette. 

Bernadette's Story

Meet Jen C
A teacher at a girls’ school in Brisbane, Jen was seeking a way to stop, rest and reflect on life's journey.

Jen's Story

Meet Kate M
Sharing story and listening to story played a big part in the great experience that Kate had when she attended her first Women of the Well Retreat.

Kate's Story
Photo of Mary sitting for the interview with Women of the Well at the 2023 Mittagong Retreat.

Meet Mary B
A long-term friendship with one of the Soul Sisters, Tricia, brought Mary to the Women of the Well (WoW) retreat. Not once, but four times.

Mary's Story
Photo of Mary sitting for the interview with Women of the Well at the 2023 Mittagong Retreat.

Meet Mary R
Mary joined us in Mittagong in May 2023 as a legacy to the late Josephite nun, Sr Lynnie Pearce – a supporter of Women of the Well (WoW) – who died in November 2022.

Mary's Story
Photo of Sarah sitting for the interview with Women of the Well at the 2023 Mittagong Retreat.

Meet Sarah P
The testimony of a friend, along with a curiosity and hopefulness brought Sarah to her first retreat with Women of the Well (WoW).

Sarah's Story

Meet Clare F
After spending many years away from the Catholic Church, Clare felt a call to attend Mass again. It was on the first Mass  she attended in many years, that she picked up the Parish Bulletin & found a notice for WoW retreat.

Clare's Story
Photo of water flowing through a waterfall with the text "Reflections from the Well"

Rose's Reflection
Rose attended a Women of the Well Weekend Retreat in Kincumber in November of 2023. She shared about her experience on this Retreat with

Rose's Story
Photo of water flowing through a waterfall with the text "Reflections from the Well"

Catherine's Reflection
Catherine attended a Women of the Well Weekend Retreat in Kincumber in November of 2023. She shared about her experience on this Retreat on her blog "Musings of Macca".

Catherine's Story
Photo of water flowing through a waterfall with the text "Reflections from the Well"

Chris' Reflection
Chris attended a Women of the Well One Day Gathering at Morpeth in October of 2023. She shared about her experience on this Retreat on.

Chris' Story
Photo of water flowing through a waterfall with the text "Reflections from the Well"

Youngmi & Catherine's reflection
Youngmi & Catherine first met at a Women of the Well Weekend Retreat in Kincumber in November of 2023.

Their Story
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